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One Year Review of Nihung Santhia Project

With the grace of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, today we are marking the first year since the start of the Nihung Santhia project. Throughout the year we have seen incredible kirpa of Guru Sahib on this project with some of the milestones we have reached:

-Expansion of Nihung Santhia Classes: initially starting with three classes in Coventry, West London and East London. With Guru Ji’s Kirpa these have now increased to five classes a week in East London and two classes a week in West London and Coventry.

-Alongside face-to-face classes, Santhia is being offered worldwide through our online classes with students from as far as India, Canada, America, Australia, Russia and Germany. This time last year we started off with around 20 students, which has now increased to just under 200 students including both face to face and online classes.

-Nihung Santhia Camp and Dushera Mahattam Paath: Last year we were blessed to hold the first Dushera Mahattam Paath and Gurbani Santhia Camp in the UK. Vidhiarthis from all over UK came together for 10 days of Vidhia, Seva and Simran.

-Following on from the Camp, monthly Jorr Melas and one day Santhia Camps have been taking place in local Gurdwara Sahibs, including events in memory of the main inspirations of Nihung Santhia, Sant Baba Ajit Singh Ji Patna Sahib & Singh Sahib Giani Amarjeet Singh Ji Hazur Sahib.

-Release of Nihung Santhia Calender to increase awareness of the traditional dates and months in the Sikh Year.

-Resources for students: Continuing recording of the Gurbani Santhia Syllabus, Santhia resources & guides on Website and uploading of Katha of Singh Sahib Giani Amarjeet Singh Ji Hazur Sahib.

These milestones have been reached purely with the Kirpa of Guru Sahib and the support of the Saadhsangat. We would like to thank the Sangat and Vidhiarthis who have supported us with their Dasvandh, due to which we now have two full time Santhia teachers dedicating their time to this project. With your continued support we hope to be able to make our vision a reality and eventually, invest in our own Vidhiyala – a dedicated place where our Vidhiarthis can do their Abhiaas and our future Pracharaks, Santhia Ustaads, Kathakar, Kirtani and Shastar Vidhya Ustaads can be trained.

We at Nihung Santhia do Ardaas that Mahraj shower their blessings on everyone.

ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕਾ ਖਾਲਸਾ ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕੀ ਫ਼ਤਹਿ॥



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